
POPUP|We will open our first store at Daimaru Fukuoka Tenjin Store!

GOOD DESIGN STORE TOKYO by NOHARA pop-up store will be open at DaimaruFukuokaTenjin Storefor7daysonlyfromNovember29(Wed) toDecember5(Tue),2023.

The Daimaru Hakata Tenjin store, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary, is "a rooted in the local community and coexisting with the local community and to serve our customers in harmony with the local community. " and " and "to create a new era of a and "enriching the lives of people Realization of a new era of Realization and "the realization of a rich life in a new era. is the concept of our store.

Therefore, we are pleased to introduce the "Kyushu Corner Kyushu Corner and and a "Kyushu Corner" has been established, Kyushu region culture that originated in the Kyushu region. Good Design Award-winning products rooted in the culture Good Design Award-winning products rooted in the culture Good Design Award-winning products that are rooted in the culture of the Kyushu region.

There will be a number of events including a talk session on the theme of "Product Design for the Future" by the Good Design Award judging panel. We look forward to seeing you there.

<Event Information


Period: November29(Wed) -December5(Tue), 2023

Opening hours: 10:00-19:00

Venue: Daimaru Fukuoka Tenjin Store Main Bldg. 6F Topic Stage

*Business hours are subject to change, please check the official website of Daimaru Fukuoka Tenjin Store for details.

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